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Rusape Town Council makes a mark at the ZITF exhibition
Rusape Town Council recently made an impactful return at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) after a lengthy absence from the international fair. The ZITF is now firmly back on the Council’s events calendar. The international fair provided Council with the opportunity to market Rusape to prospective local and international investors. Council is on an […]
Council takes bold stepstowards fostering GoodCorporate Governance values
The Rusape Town Council held an Integrity familiarisation workshop recently. The Integrity familiarisation workshop was held with the broader view aimed towards propagating good corporate governance values across all Council departmental operations. The major objective of the workshop was to establish a vibrant Integrity Committee. The Integrity Committee is charged with overseeing the promotion of […]
Rusape Town Council adopts the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan
The Council’s Health Department recently held a multi-stakeholder meeting to provide feedback on the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan. The multi stakeholder meeting is the product of a series of meetings, workshops and a survey conducted last year by the department in collaboration with GIZ and cooperating partners like EMA, Residents’ Associations, members of the […]