Notice on all illegal structures and all dilapidated buildings

Rusape Town Council would like to advise its valued residents and stakeholders that all property owners are being directed to legalize their building structures. All illegal structures built without Council approval risk demolition if not regularized by the 20th of March 2024.

In addition, some buildings within the CBD are dilapidated and unsightly, posing danger to the general public and undermining the value of adjacent buildings. These buildings may require the following actions after assessment by competent structural engineers: facelift, demolition or re-construction as
dictated by the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (Chapter 29:12). Owners of such buildings are being directed to take corrective action within 3 months from the publication of this notice. Any person wishing to make any objections to the forgoing must lodge them within the Town Secretary within 30 days from the publication of this notice.

Furthermore, all unsanitary business premises falling short of the requirements of the Public Health Act (Chapter 15:17) and Shop License Act (Chapter 14:17) risk having their operating licenses revoked and will not be issued with operating licenses in 2024.

All illegal structures including tuck-shops and vending shades within the CBD and residential areas risk demolition. Churches operating sites in undesignated sites including residential areas must cease operations immediately. Illegal educational institutions operating without licenses should cease operations forthwith.

Council would like to thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.