Housing & Community Services
Housing Department Provide the following Services
The mission of the Housing, Health and Community services is to enhance community appearance, Public health and uplift the quality of life for the people of Rusape. This is accomplished through multi-thronged interventions on the housing delivery, Public health and social amenities fronts.
The housing function target a wise rage of initiatives ranging from basic need such as availability and access to decent affordable housing for families and combating homelessness ,provision of working spaces and space for industrial and economic growth for the town.
Community Services
This section deals with access to functional social amenities, parks, halls, stadia, as well as cemetery management.
Environmental Health
This section is mandated with issues to deal with Public health management, health inspections, solid waste management as well as dieses surveillance among other issues
Major functions of the Department
- Housing demand forecasting
- Strategy formulation to achieve housing, health and community services desired outcomes.
- Provision and maintenance of decent and affordable housing for the people of Rusape
- Provision of social amenities and management of recreational facilities for the people of Rusape
- Child Protection and social service provision targeting vulnerable groups’ chief among them child headed families, elderly, people living with disabilities and the chronically ill.
- Rehabilitation of youth exposed to drug and substance abuse.
- Public health interventions
- Solid waste management
- Dieses surveillance and control.
- Health Inspections

Director Housing, Health and Community Services
Refuse Collection Schedule
Day | Refuse Compactor Section | Tractor Section |
Monday | Ward (1 & 7), BC, ZBS & CBD | Ward (1&2) B, G, R & T Musika |
Tuesday | Ward (8 & 9) Mabvazuva, Magamba, Castle Base, Jacaranda Area, Old People`s Home | |
Wednesday | Ward (7&10) Lisape St, Taite Ave, Chingaira St, Patel`s Plot, Industry | Ward (1,4,6) Musika,R Section, Garikai, Old Tsanzaguru Road, Messenger Camp |
Thursday | Silver Bow, Nyanga Energy, Crocodile, Hospital, Prison, CBD, WARD (5 & 6) NE, NHF, UVE, VE | Ward (1 & 11), Musika, Tsanzaguru |
Friday | Ward (7&11) CBD, Extra Waste Collection | Ward (1&5) Musika And Ve Section Hot Spots |
Saturday | Extra Waste Collection, Ward (7) CBD, Bus Terminus |